Sarah Pricillia's Professional Profile

Hi there! My name is Sarah Pricillia. Born in Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm a proud Indonesian and Chinese-descendant (Peranakan) too. This blog is having purpose to let you guys know about my profile professionally. Well, I'm gonna make this efficient by telling straightforward that I'm a Teacher in Kindergarten level.

If you ever heard, Teacher is a word with thousand definition. The skill it takes not just on one thing, it turns out to be much more than you people out there with no teaching experience would ever thought.

Me as Teacher with not-so-long experience.. Just around 4 years in one of the well-known Singpore Kindergarten branch in Jakarta, could share a bit about the skills needed in getting the work done. Those skills included are as a obviously teacher, as an artist, as MC, as leader, as security, as joker, as phsycologist, as story teller, as exercise expert, and as a mom.

The responsibility not just ended up on the learning outcome of each lesson we taught, but also the kids' behaviour turned out, kids' health at school, kids' safetyness, kids' moral educated, and so on.

These video I share with you all is the tiny bits of my professional life /teacher's life/

Leading Morning Assembly

Conduct lessons in the class

Yearly batch

Sneak peak of teacher's life

Well, thank you for looking through on my proffesional profile. Hope it helps you pick up whatever you need. Have a wonderful day!🌸😊


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